Legacy BVE Trainsim Material
Prior to the focus of Railsimroutes.net shifting to openBVE development, add-ons were developed for another simulator, BVE Trainsim. You can find my old BVE Trainsim routes, Birmingham Cross-City South v1.31, and Watford Junciton to Milton Keynes Central v1.1, in this section. You can also find help and information regarding BVE Trainsim here.
- View other legacy BVE Trainsim projects →
- Find out about the new version 2.0 of this route, designed from the ground up for openBVE →
Birmingham Cross-City South v1.31

The Birmingham Cross-City South route for BVE recreates the busy commuter line between Redditch and Birmingham New Street. The route was first released in May 2002 and was a hit with the BVE community due to it's realistic graphics, catenary, sound effects, variety of route variations, and the care with which the package was created. The route was significantly updated to v1.2 a year later in May 2003 to take advantage of the then new BVE v2.5's new capabilities, and the update added a host of new features including fully authentic Cross-City and class 323 sounds, updated trackwork, a new and advanced catenary system and increased use of photo-based textures.
Further Information

You can also read the Driver's Guide for BVE and Class 323 / Cross-City South Tutorials for either openBVE or BVE 4, or e-mail me using the Contact page.
If you need help downloading and installing openBVE, BVE Trainsim, or this add-on, then please read either the openBVE Help Guide or BVE 4 Help Guide.
- Route length: 15.6 miles (25.1km)
- Line speeds: 10 to 90 mph
- Diagrams: Redditch / Longbridge to Birmingham New Street
- Journey time: Approx. 35 minutes (from Redditch)
- Era: 2002 - 2005
- Traction: Class 323 25kV AC EMU
Screenshots (taken using openBVE)
Please remember that this route was designed for BVE Trainsim version 4, and the only updates it has received, mainly involved addressing issues so that it could run error-free with openBVE. Apart from the class 323's 3D cab, the route's 3D objects and textures have not updated to take advantage of openBVE's capabilities.
Please see the new Birmingham Cross-City South version 2.0 section of the site, for information about the upcoming, true designed-for-openBVE version of this route.
Download the Route
- Current version: 1.31.11 (updated 25th December 2010, first released May 2002 )
- Target simulator: openBVE v1.2.10 or later | BVE Trainsim v2.6 / v4.2

Important note: If you are an existing Cross-City South user, please delete the existing Birmingham Cross-City South folders in your 'Railway\Route\' folder, before installing Cross-City South v1.31.11! If you don't, you might end up with four Cross-City South route folders rather than three, and you might not be sure which is the right folder to use.

» Birmingham Cross-City South - Full Package [14.3 MiB]
- Full package for openBVE, BVE 2 and 4
» Class 323 25kV AC EMU
» 3D Cab add-on and UkTrainSys plugin for class 323 [2.3 MiB]
- openBVE users only; please install the above class 323 first
- Note: Requires openBVE v1.2.10 or greater
» Alternative wheelflat sounds for class 323 [416 KiB]
Other optional downloads:
» Class 323 passenger views [7.52 MiB]
- BVE 4 and openBVE users only
» Class 323 for BVE 2.6 [2.8 MiB, hosted on trainsimcentral.co.uk
» Alternative wheelflat sounds for class 323 [416 KiB]
» Alternative wheelflat sounds for class 323 passenger views [281 KiB]
Recent Changes
[Updated 25th December 2010: v1.31.11]
- In the openBVE route files, replaced all AWS and TPWS related
commands with new variants, which fully support the realistic AWS and TPWS simulation features of the UkTrainSys cross-platform plugin (which itself is now compatible with diesel as well as electric trains). Users who wish to drive trains equipped with Simon Gathercole's range of UKxxx.dll plugins for BVE 4, should use the Cross-City South route files intended for BVE 4 instead. Also added extra AI Support beacons, and stopped the outdated practice of using null objects with beacons, and instead, using aBeaconStructureIndex
value of -1.
- Added new beacons to the openBVE route files, to compliment the AI Support feature of the class 323's new UkTrainSys cross-platform .NET plugin;
- Added previously missing
commands to the Temporary Speed Restrictions (TSRs) in the openBVE night routes.
- Altered an incorrect .Accuracy value between Lifford West Junction and Bournville, in the night route intended for use with openBVE;
- Edited incorrect values assigned via a couple of .Background().X commands, which caused backdrop tiling issues, also in the night route intended for use with openBVE.
- Renamed route folders to make the target simulators for each set, easier to determine;
- Removed an unecessary timetable image for better user experience with the class 323's 3D cab in openBVE;
- Adjusted track .Accuracy values to take better advantage of openBVE v1.2.7.0's new inaccuracy model.
- Incorrect pathname in route files using the class 323 passenger views;
- Ground repeater signal now accurately modelled;
- In the night routes, "P" has been added as the ArrivalTime argument of the Five Ways .Sta commands;
- Missing repetition count for Background(0) in night routes.
- Main download now incorporates previously separate class 158 and 37 route pack.
For earlier changes, please see the documentation included in the route download.
Content last updated: 10th April 2019