Upcoming maintenance/outages

No maintenance is planned at the current time.
Railsimroutes.net Status
Server Status
10th April 2019: [v5.1.8-f]
Railsimroutes.net version 5.1.8-f launched. Final release.
07th April 2019: [v5.1.7-rc]
Fixed Blog nav bar issue. Release Candidate.
07th April 2019: [v5.1.6-b]
Website maintenance PHP code added.
05th April 2019: [v5.1.5-b]
Railsimroutes.com mirror site configured and SSL enabled, with links on both sites updated.
05th April 2019: [v5.1.4-b]
Added more status and upcoming outage functionality.
31st March 2019: [v5.1.3-b]
Enabled SSL certificate for site.
30th March 2019: [v5.1.2-b]
Added server status page and functionality, and improved title bar site navigation formatting.
28th March 2019: [v5.1.1-b]
Added back site maintenance banner functionality.
6th February 2019: [v5.1.0-b]
Added Light theme variation with new cookie and php handling code. Beta.
24th January 2019: [v5.0.5-a]
More css tweaks.
19th January 2019: [v5.0.4-a]
New logo designed, css tweaks.
18th July 2018: [v5.0.3-a]
Added support for dropdown menu icons.
17th July 2018: [v5.0.2-a]
Fixes for HTML5 compliance.
14th July 2018: [v5.0.1-a]
Tweaked various colours and interface elements.
10th July 2018: [v5.0.0-a]
Initial version of site published to test server for development. Alpha.
Content last updated: 10th April 2019