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BVE Help and Information

Rail Sim Routes UK

Information and help for installing Mackoy's BVE cab view simulator, with instructions for installing routes from this site, and setting common options within BVE.

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BVE Official Website
[BVE Logo © Mackoy, 2002]
Mackoy's Official BVE website - the only place to download the superb BVE cab view simulator
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Rail Sim Routes UK Installing a Rail Sim Routes UK route
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Installing and running your first BVE route from this site (for BVE v2.6 users)
Rail Sim Routes UK

Now that you have installed the BVE simulator, you need to install a route and train before using it! For this example, we're going to install the Birmingham Cross-City South for BVE 4 route. Click this link, to open the Birmingham Cross-City South download page in a new window.

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Scroll down, until you find the "Downloads (Birmingham Cross-City South Route)" box. You want to download a copy of each self-extracting archive, specifically those marked with "[Essential]" to your hard disk, as well as the Cross-City South BVE 2 Routes installer - a total of 5 essential Cross-City installers for BVE 2..

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Then, scroll down further, and download link for the Class 323 Cab View (BVE 2.6) installer (the other train downloads are for BVE v4 only) - this will open a seperate download page from which you can download the 323 (cl323_bve.exe).

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< Once you've downloaded the essential Birmingham Cross-City South self-extracting archives, you can begin installing the route and train. Simply run each file by double clicking it's icon. If you downloaded any patches, please install these files last!

IMPORTANT! You also need to change the 'Destination Folder' when given the opportunity to do so; most Cross-City South installers are configured to install to the BVE 4 directory by default - you need to change this to your BVE v2.6 directory instead, usually C:\Program Files\BVE\.

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< At first you will see a standard copyright notice stating what you may and may not do with the downloads and the files contained within. If you agree to these terms and conditions of use, click 'Accept' to continue.

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< Next, you need to change the 'Destination Folder' from it's default location; most Cross-City South installers are configured to install to the BVE 4 directory by default - you need to change this to your BVE v2.6 directory instead, usually C:\Program Files\BVE\.

Repeat this for the other downloads.

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If you have followed these instrucutions correctly, you should now be ready to run your first route! Start BVE by going to your Start Menu, and finding All Programs > mackoy > BVE.

BVE Route and Train Slection Screen
< BVE will start, and initially show you the "Select Train" dialog. In the 'File' box, scroll down until you see the 'Bham_X-City_South' folder. Double click this folder, and open either the 'HighDetail9x', 'HighDetailXP' or 'StandardDetail' folders, depending on your PC's speed, power, and the version of Windows you are using.

Now select a time of day by folder name, such as 'Day' or 'Dawn', and select a specific route file within that folder, such as 'HighDetail_323_Summer.csv'; data about that route will display in the 'Information' box at the bottom.

Now just click the "Start" button, and you're ready to go!

Important note: Do not load routes in the 'Birmingham_Cross-City_South_BVE4' folder if it exists - these are not compatible with BVE 2.6!

Main BVE Window
< You should now be sitting in the cab of the class 323 25kV EMU, ready to depart from Redditch.

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Rail Sim Routes UK Keyboard Commands
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A list of keyboard commands you will find useful
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Common Controls:
  • Enable/Disable "Mr Angry" (the smiley which lets you know how good or bad your driving skills are!): 'F3'
  • Dislpay/Hide Timetable (note you can click some station names to jump straight to them): 'F4'
  • Reverser 'Forward', 'Off', 'Reverse': 'Up/Down Arrow'
  • Sound horn (two keys for high/low pitch): 'Enter' and 'Shift Enter'
  • Cancel driver vigilance device: 'Delete'
  • Cancel AWS warning horn: 'Insert'
  • Reset vigilance device if failed to acknowledge in time: 'Ctrl+F2', then 'Shift+F2', followed by 'Insert'
  • Pause simulation (displays BVE menu): 'Alt' key
Trains with combined power/brake controllers (such as the 323):
  • Release brakes or increase power: 'z'
  • Apply brakes or decrease power: 'a'
  • Emergency brakes/Power off: 'q'
Trains with seperate power and brake handles (such as the class 87 electric loco):
  • Release brakes: ', (comma)'
  • Apply brakes: '. (full stop)'
  • Emergency brakes/Power off: '/'
  • Increase power: 'z'
  • Decrease power: 'a'
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Rail Sim Routes UK Setting Commonly used Options
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How to set options useful options for getting the most from BVE
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< In the bottom left of the BVE window, is a small button - clicking this will bring up a menu. You can use the options on this menu to set preferences, such as the BVE drawing distance via the "Graphics Settings" option, or the display settings via the "Display Mode Settings" option.

Use the Graphics option, to change the distance ahead of the train in metres, that scenery is drawn - the commonly referred to "BVE Drawing Distance". The longer this distance (max. 600m), the more processing power is needed to maintain a higher framerate. Experiment with this option until you find a balance between graphical quality and performance, which you are happy with. If your video card doesn't fully support the fogging effects which BVE uses, then you can disable this by checking the "Disable fog effect" checkbox.

< Use the Display Resolution option, to specify whether BVE runs in a Window on your desktop, or runs full screen in 640x480 mode. The latter is recommended, to have BVE fill the entire screen.

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Rail Sim Routes UK Using different trains with your routes
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Steps explaining how to use different trains and "passenger views" with your routes
Rail Sim Routes UK

The routes you select within BVE's Route and Train Selection Screen are text files, which amongst other things, specify which objects are loaded, and where they are placed to create the route. However, the route file also specifies what train BVE should use for driving the route. The line of text which specifies the train, can be easily changed, meaning you can use any train you have installed to drive your favourite route. The popular BVE "Passenger Views" are also BVE trains in their own right and you drive them like any other train, so this guide applies to using passenger views as well.

This can be done automatically by using Oskari Saarekas' excellent BVE Route Randomiser, now available here: www.trainsimcentral.co.uk/misc.htm. Using BRR, you can select a route file, then select a train from a list, and then have BRR make all the changes and run BVE for you.

You can also edit route files manually, and provided you know where to look for the files, this can be a very simple procedure. The following screenshot may help to illustrate the following points:


Firstly, using Windows Explorer, locate the folder in which your copy of BVE is installed. (usually "C:\Program Files\BVE\". Now find the "Railway\Route\" folder. The folders and files you now see, should look familiar - they're the same files you see in BVE's Route Selection screen.

Once you've found the route file you wish to edit (e.g. HighDetail_323_Aut_Cloudy.csv), right click the file, and select "Choose Program..." (if this menu item does not appear, you're probably using windows 95/98 - press and hold down the Shift key while right clicking the file, so that "Open with..." appears on the menu). Choose to open this file using Wordpad. You should see something like the following:


As highlighted in the above screenshot, near the start of the file will be a line like the following:

  • Train.Folder cl323
As you can see from the Explorer screenshot further up, cl323 is simply the name of the folder in which the class 323 EMU is installed. If for example, you wanted to drive the class 323 daytime passenger view seated on the right, then you should replace the above line with:
  • Train.Folder cl323_passview_seated_R
Now save the file (or save it with a new filename so the original file is left unchanged), and when you try to load this route file in BVE, you'll be driving the class 323 daytime passenger view seated on the right, rather than the cab-view class 323.

NOTE: The above refers to *.CSV format files. If you wish to edit a *.RW format file (like Watford - Milton Keynes v1), then the line within the route file will read as, for example, File=cl310 NOT Train.Folder cl310

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Rail Sim Routes UK Other Useful Resources
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Useful websites and sources of information be other members of the BVE community
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Robert Glass has written an excellent set of help and information pages in the 'About' section of his superb Scottish Rail Sim Files website. This very useful resource includes information about common BVE tools which developers and users alike might wish to use (such as the Track Viewer, Train Editor and Structure Viewer), as well as guidelines concerning the correct use of bitmap textures within BVE, and also recommendations on what software to use for developing BVE add-ons.

Scottish Rail Sim Files
Scottish Rail Sim Files

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You can find an alternative guide to downloading and installing BVE over at Steve Green's Train Sim Central website. Steve's guide also includes useful information about error messages you might see whilst using BVE.

Train Sim Central
Train Sim Central

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You can now return to the BVE Help Contents page.

Or the Rail Sim Routes UK homepage.
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